Monday, 11 January 2010

Seeking identity within a global world

Day 5

The Fashion world was before very restrictive as there wasn’t many ways of looking current and therefore being labelled fashionable. Nowadays thanks to individualism fashion trends are more democratic and we have many ways of finding one trend that suits not just our lifestyle and personality but also our body shape and colour palette.

“Remaining ourselves while keeping it up to date”

Could we remain ourselves and keep evolving to the seasonal trends without risking loosing control? I can see already two clans; those anti-fashion who would argue the matter can wait a few decades due to more dramatic issues such as global warming, and the fashionistas who would stress the importance of supporting creativity and genuineness in a world where conformity takes over individuality.

Fear of loosing our culture and identity may be just a lure. It is no longer a simple debate between being conservative or liberal, academic or being self-made. The good news is the culture of individuality is pushing us to choose a style that suits us and we have quite a few to choose from; creative, dramatic, romantic, natural, classic, city chic or international for men. Just pick one or two and you’ll have the wardrobe that goes. In reality we often have two or three style personalities where we adapt according to the circumstances of our lifestyle. Who would put on a suit and stilettos while heading for a countryside break? 

“The freedom of remaining ourselves”

Being ourselves is not just an option, it becomes necessary. Applying for a job and pretending to be someone else will end up tricky on the short term. There is only so much that we can change and do for a short period of time. It is better to show the best of us and in its best light. The message sent across by the fashion industry is “Just be yourself”, “Just do it”. Oversized or skinny, Topshop or Prada, there is a wide choice for everyone.

Show me what you wear and I’ll tell you who you are. Is the equivalent to “What am I going to wear” also means “Who am I”? In most cases it does. And remember that it just takes us few seconds to make a first impression. So learning the techniques to show ourselves at our best seems crucial. And being all different there is not one universal solution. We are free to get out on the street and wear whatever we want, but being too different might scare people off and it takes a good dose of confidence to do it. Getting a unique look out of the trends is not out within reach of everyone. Unless you’ve now established yourself, have climbed at the top of the social ladder and received recognition from the society you still need to pay attention to the social etiquette.

"An essence of the uniqueness"

Fashion allows people to display their identity and attachment to a group. Being slightly different shows a sign a uniqueness without breaking any bonds. In order to look trendy you need to be slightly ahead of it. That’s the difference between the media stars and the reader of a fashion magazine hunting for the next trends. One is setting up the trends the other one follows. Fashion does not really reflect our modern world if it doesn’t take snap shots of individuals within a group of different people. My leggings reveal a current look but my vintage bag reminds people I am unique. The concept is simple. Using trends to adapt it and making it ours. Once we get the knowledge and control of our past, who we are now, and our goals we can start playing with our image. Getting to know ourselves better in order to make the most of it will allow a better appreciation of our look and certainly more pleasure in getting dressed.

We have more freedom than ever. Fashion has adapted to the current world. May be we should make the most of it as like any seasonal trends this might not last for ever.

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